q2 blog goals achieved or not


  1. Congratulations on achieving pretty much all of your blog goals for the 2nd quarter of 2020! Considering you’ve got a full-time job and a family to look after, these are all incredible achievements! Sending you a virtual pat on the back! x

  2. You’ve done an amazing job! My blog is almost 2 months old and I’m hoping to get at least half of the things that you’ve achieved. This post is inspiring and showing me what can be done with hard work.

    1. That is awesome! Welcome to the blogging world and yes for sure it takes hard work but it’s totally worth it! best of luck to you!

    1. yay!! congratulations! You’ve done a lot Lucy and it’s all amazing. Proud member here of your facebook group haha.
      It seems it’s also good to create a round up post about your achievements every quarter, this way you can see and compare what you did every quarter and its also a motivation as well!
      Great job again! ❤️

      1. Yes it forces me to look back since I promised to put it up I love having you in the group and thanks so much! I wish you the best this quarter Loise, I’m sure you’re going to do great!

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