getting started with affiliate marketing for beginner bloggers


  1. Thank you for these great suggestions . Ummm ready to take affliate marketing serious and Will heck out what you recommended.

  2. Thank you for laying this out so simply and realistically!! So often I feel affiliate marketing is sold as being easy and a way to make fast money. You bring a realistic point of you and highlight the work that will be involved before the money starts flowing in! Thank you so much!

  3. Oh my goodness! This is the exact post that I needed at the exact time I needed it! I definitely need to plan on spending some time digesting everything that you have shared here. Thank you so much!

  4. Thank you for this post.

    I will take your advice on affiliate marketing, so far I have been rejected by ShareAsale, will apply again.
    I am waiting for more traffic before applying to Amazon.

    Hope I can get my first affiliate sale soon!

    1. Oh no! I know right now due to the pandemic, many programs are not accepting new applications. Hopefully this changes soon And for sure you will get your affiliate sale soon enough and the feeling will be AMAZING!

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